Emergency Medicine Medical Student Rotations

IMG 3238
Medical Student Rotation Flyer

Click HERE to download our Emergency Medicine Medical Student Brochure

Click HERE to download our Medical Student Rotation Application

Click HERE to Login to the Medical Student Resources Page

Rotation Highlights

Individualized Attention & Feedback

Outstanding Procedural Practice

Student Case Conferences

Simulation Laboratory

Mock Code Experience

Bedside Ultrasound Instruction

Suture, Intubation & Procedure Laboratories

Student Career Planning Seminar

   Emergency Medicine Electives: 

   1. Emergency Medicine

   2. Emergency Ultrasound

   3. Wilderness Medicine OCT-NOV 2025

   4. Medical ICU for the EM bound student

The emergency departments at CHRISTUS Spohn Hospitals in Corpus Christi include busy regional trauma, stroke and cardiac centers with a wide mix of patient presentations.  Students have the opportunity to evaluate and treat acutely ill patients as they present to the ED and follow them through their emergency department stay.

SLOEs available for all rotations 


We offer several four-week Emergency Medicine rotations to medical students.  In addition to direct patient care, students participate in simulation and procedure laboratories and weekly didactic conferences. They enhance their medical knowledge through student-oriented learning resources, skills labs and EMS experience with our local Swat Team, paramedics, EMTs and firefighters.  


Medical students benefit from a rich clinical patient experience at CHRISTUS Spohn-TEXAS A&M. We encourage students to assume responsibility for the patient care they provide and feel valued as members of the healthcare team. The faculty and resident physicians are dedicated and enthusiastic teachers. Our patient population, combined with numerous procedural and learning opportunities make our program a great medical student experience. Over half of each residency class consists of physicians who chose to rotate with us as medical students. 

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Emergency Ultrasound, MICU, Simulation & Wilderness Medicine Electives

The Emergency Department at CHRISTUS Spohn-Texas A&M offers a four week Ultrasound, Simulation, Medical Critical Care for the EM Bound Student or Wilderness Medicine electives for interested medical students on a limited basis. Develop confidence and proficiency learning core and advanced emergency ultrasound applications, Critical Care, Simulation or explore coastal wilderness topics in a fun, beach setting.


Lynn Newman

Medical Student Coordinator

Phone 361 861-1865

Click to Email Here

           To apply to our competitive medical student rotations

           Please submit the following:

             -Complete Medical Student Application 

             -Medical School Transcript & Letter of Good Standing 

             -Immunization Record, Statement of liability insurance coverage

             -Brief Personal Statement (1-2 paragraphs) 

                     describe why you are interested in rotations with us

                                                                                 -Review our Hospital Confidentiality Policy

            Complimentary Housing and Hospital Meals Provided 


Kimberly Leeson Pic

Kimberly Leeson, MD, RDMS, FACEP

 Director-Emergency Medicine Student Education

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Updated Program flyer 10 8 23

© Kimberly & Ben Leeson 2025