University of Texas School of Medicine at San Antonio
Hey everybody!
Originally growing up in Colorado, I went to Occidental College in LA and ended up in our hidden Gulf Coast gem of Corpus Christi after making the 2.5 hour drive down from med school in San Antonio for an away rotation during 4th year. In my spare time I enjoy playing rugby (currently on hold after an ACL remodeling tackle in April), reading, playing drums, exploring my new city and the surrounding areas, and figuring out new salt water related hobbies to involve myself in.
Why A&M – Christus Spohn? To make a short story short, I had great time here during my away rotation. The first day I worked a shift as a med student I was doing procedures that larger medical centers I worked at always seemed to pass off to residents in other specialties. After spending more time with the team I came to see that excellence here is made through resident driven enthusiasm for learning the newest and best in medical practice, bolstered by the openness and positive reinforcement of attendings. Coupling that with the notable lack of emphasis on dogma and tradition and instead focusing on high quality EBM, I realized there couldn’t be a better learning environment for me to become the best physician I can possibly be. During the interview trail, I found myself continually comparing every other EM program to A&M – Christus Spohn and realized there’s nowhere I’d rather be.
If you’re looking for high-society, Broadway shows, and a chance to rub elbows with A-list celebrities, Corpus Christi is probably not the place for you. On the other hand if you’re looking for a welcoming town that loves live music, has great hunting and fishing, and wide-open, undeveloped beaches with an amazing array of wild-life, then come on down, friend, I’m sure you’ll love it as much as we all do!