Medical School: University of the Incarnate Word School of Osteopathic Medicine
Undergraduate School: Texas Tech University
Hometown: Coppell, Texas
I’m Travis. I’m originally from the Dallas/Ft. Worth area and went to medical school nearby in San Antonio. I went to undergrad at Texas Tech University and graduate school at Texas A&M. I like to go fishing, play golf, cook, and hang out at our local breweries. I have a precious kitty cat named Max.
As a 4th year medical student I rotated in the ER here and absolutely fell in love with the program. I was really impressed at how knowledgeable and capable the residents were, and I was thrilled when they asked me to intubate the very first patient I saw on my rotation. The residents and attendings were great at teaching on shift and I learned and did so much during my rotation. I ranked this program #1 on my rank list and was ecstatic to find out I matched here.
I can say without a doubt that my experience here as a resident has been even better than I imagined. There is no graduated responsibility, so on day 1 you are allowed and encouraged to see the sickest patients that come into the ER. As an unopposed residency, the procedures are plentiful and when you need specialty consultation, you’re the one making the call. Our didactics are entertaining, the rotations are great, and we have excellent relationships with the attendings and nurses. We have tons of independence and are allowed to really develop our confidence and style of practicing emergency medicine, while always having excellent attending support and expertise. I would highly recommend everyone come and check out our program.