Research Projects




Close,B.,  Richman, Eskin, Allegra.  Placement of central venous lines for sepsis in the elderly has markedly increased—Evidence from a cohort of New Jersey (USA) emergency departments. IN PRESS.

Brodeur, M., Herrick, J., Guardiola, J., Richman, P. (2017) Exclusion of Non-English Speakers in Published Emergency Medicine Research-A Comparison of 2004 and 2014. Acta informatica medical:AIM: Journal of the Society ofor Medical Informatics of Bosne and Hersegovina: Casopis Drustva za medicinsku informatiku BiH, 25(2), 112-115. PMCID: PMC554464

Pedersen, C., Miller, M., Xu, KT, Carrasco, L, Smith, C, Richman P. (2017) Use of a Dental Vibration Toom to Reduce Pain from Digital Blocks: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine.

Padalecki, J How much risk are emergency department patients willing to accept to avoid diagnostic testing. Jeremy Padalecki, K. Tom Xu, Cynthia Smith, Lynn Carrasco, Justin Hensley, Peter B. Richman.  Turk J Emerg Med. 2017 Mar; 17(1): 16–21. Published online 2016 Dec 7. doi:  10.1016/j.tjem.2016.09.009.  PMCID: PMC5357107

Russell Hill, Albert Gest, Cynthia Smith, Jose H. Guardiola,Michael Apolinario, Joann Ha, Jose R. Gonzalez and Peter B. Richman Are patients who call a primary care office referred to the emergency department by non-healthcare personnel without the input of a physician?  DOI 10.7717/peerj.1507.

Baum, Zachary, Baum Z, Simmons MR, Guardiola JH, Smith C, Carrasco L, Ha J, Richman P. (2016) Potential impact of co-payment at point of care to influence emergency department utilization. PeerJ4:e1544

Loescher S, Krall SP, Simmons M, Guardiola J, Smith C, Carrasco L, Quintanilla S, Xu TK, Richman PB. Does a Complaint Specific Expectations Pamphlet Provided at Triage Improve Satisfaction Scores for Emergency Department Patients with Abdominal Pain?-a Prospective Trial. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2015 May 1;22:S179.

Kenter J, Blow O, Krall SP, Gest A, Smith C, Richman PB. Prior CT imaging history for patients who undergo PAN CT for acute traumatic injury. Cademartiri F, ed. PeerJ. 2015;3:e963. doi:10.7717/peerj.963.

Afton McNierney-Moore, Cynthia Smith,Jose Guardiola, K. Tom Xu, Peter B. Richman. Patient understanding of radiation risk from medical computed tomography - A comparison of Hispanic vs. Non-Hispanic Emergency Department populations, Peer J, 5 2015, 10.7717/peerj.937.

Russell FM, Moore CL, Courtney DM, Kabrhel CSmithline HANordenholz KERichman PBO'Neil BJPlewa MCBeam DMMastouri RKline JA. Independent evaluation of a simple clinical prediction rule to identify right ventricular dysfunction in patients with shortness of breath, AM J Emerg Med 2015 Apr; 33(4):542-547.   doi: 10.1016/j.ajem.2015.01.026. Epub 2015 Jan 22.  PMID:25769797

Francis T, Leeson K, Barton B, Leeson B. Comparison of Ideal Needle Insertion Location of  Internal Jugular Central Venous Access: Anatomic Landmarks versus Ultrasonaography Guidance Method.  Annals of Emergency Medicine, Volume 60, No 4 Page S111, October 2012

Morales M, Shanker J, Leeson B.  A Head CT Checklist:  Does It Improve the Accuracy of the Emergency Medicine Resident Physicians Interpretation?.  Annals of Emergency Medicine, Volume 60, No 4 Page S86, October 2012.

Moore K,  Baskerville J. The Morbidly Obese Receive Delayed ED Care: Body Mass Index> 40 Have Longer Disposition Times. Manuscript number: American Journal of Emergency Medicine  2012 Jun;30(5):737-40 PMID 21691485  [Clinical Research-Peer Reviewed]

Quysner A., Surani S., Roberts D. Plastic Bronchitis in an Adult Male. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine Submission, Volume 12, No. 1, Pages 118-119. February 2011. PMID: 21079704  [ Case Report-Peer Reviewed]

McGarry J., Krall S., McLaughlin T. Impact of Resident Physician on Emergency Department Throughput. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, Volume XI, No. 4, 2010. [Clinical Research-Peer Reviewed]

Nguyen T., Gest A. Do Not Miss the Deadly Causes or Rectal Bleeding and Pain in Avoiding Common Errors in the Emergency Department, 2010. [Textbook Chapter-Peer Reviewed]

Buchanan B., Leeson B. Early Recognition and Intervention for Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome and Sepsis are Vital in Avoiding Common Errors in the Emergency Department, 2010. [ Textbook Chapter- Peer Reviewed]

Cornelius A., Leeson K. Recognize the Presentation of Foreign Body Aspiration and Order the Correct Diagnostic Test in Avoiding Common Errors in the Emergency Department, 2010. [Textbook Chapter - Peer Reviewed]

Gorchynski J., Langhorn C., Simmons M., Roberts D. What’s Hot, with Spots and Red All Over? Murine Typhus. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, Volume X, No. 3, Page 207. August 2009. PMID:  19718391  [ Case Report - Peer Reviewed ]

Chapa L., Surani S., Varon J. Management of Hydrofluoric Acid Injury in the Emergency Departments and Critical Care Units. Critical Care and Shock, Volume 12, No.3, Pages 117-119. 2009. [Case Report - Peer Reviewed]

Chiu K., Baskerville, J. Is Magnetic Resonance Imaging Useful for Suspected Appendicitis in Pregnant Patients. Emergency Medicine Journal, Volume 26, No. 6, Pages 437. June 2009. PMID:  19465620   [Clinical Research –Peer Reviewed]

Gorchinski J., Hwang J., McLaughlin T. A Methicillin- Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus- Positive Holospinal Epidural Abscess. American Journal of Emergency Medicine, Volume 27, Issue 4, Pages 514.e7-514.e9. May 2009. PMID:19561825  [Case Report - Peer Reviewed ]

Pero T., Herrick J. Pseudoaneurysm of the Radial Artery Diagnosed by Bedside Ultrasound. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, Volume X, No. 2, Page 157. May 2009.  PMID: 19561825  [Case Report Peer Reviewed]

How’s Work. Annals of Emergency Medicine, Volume 53, No. 1, Page 157. January 2009. [Commentary]

Gorchynski J., Nwosu H., Frame J. Acute Ascending Paralysis Presenting as an Endocrine Emergency. The American Journal of Emergency Medicine, Volume 27, Issue 3 , Pages 371.e1-371.e3, March 2009. PMID:  19328394  [Case Report - Peer Reviewed]

Gorchynski J., Rose J. Complications of MRSA Treatment: Linezolid-Induced Myelosuppression Presenting with Pancytopenia. Western Journal of Emergency Medicine, Volume IX, No. 3, Pages 177-178. August 2008. PMID:  19561739  [Case Report - Peer Reviewed]

Schwartz D. Pull that Tube: Extubation Parameters for Emergency Physicians. Emergency Medicine Residents’ Association, Volume 35, Issue 4. August 2008. [EMRA Article]


Strawn, Matthew, Peter B Richman, MD MBA, Guy Youngblood MD, K Tom Xu MD, Lynn Carrasco. A prospective study to assess the association of body mass index and contamination of urinalysis samples. (Accepted for abstract presentation at TCEP Meeting, 4/2018, Houston, Texas).

Yard, Joseph, Peter B Richman, MD MBA, Ben Leeson, MD, Kim Leeson, MD, Guy Youngblood, MD Jose Guardiola, PhD, Michael Miller, MD. The Influence of Cervical Collar Immobilization upon Optic Nerve Sheath Diameter. (Accepted for abstract presentation at TCEP Meeting, 4/2018, Houston, Texas).

Kingsley, Benjamin, Peter B Richman, MD MBA. Transcutaneous Ultrasound Guided Diagnosis of Peritonsillar Abscess A Pilot Study (accepted for abstract presentation at TCEP Meeting , 4/2018, Houston, Texas).

Joseph, Ryan, Peter B Richman, MD MBA, Thomas McLaughlin DO, Lynn Carrasco, Jose Guardiola. A prospective study to compare serial changes in pain scores for patients with and without a history of frequent ED utilization. (Accepted for abstract presentation at TCEP Meeting, 4/2018, Houston, Texas).

Italiya, Shani, Peter B Richman, MD MBA, Kimberly Leeson, MD, Ben Leeson, MD, Steven Butler, PhD.  A pilot study to evaluate the feasibility of utilizing ultrasound to visualize intraosseous flow following intraosseous needle placement in adults.  (Accepted for abstract presentation at TCEP Meeting, 4/2018, Houston, Texas).

Hutzler, Sean, Peter B Richman, MD MBA, Michael Simmons MD, Lynn Carrasco, Jose Guardiola, PhD.  Patients who report a negative history of coronary disease:A review of their cardiac records from a multicenter database. (Accepted for abstract presentation at TCEP Meeting, 4/2018, Houston, Texas).

Carlsen, Sean, Scott P. Krall, MD, PhD, Peter B. Richman, MD MBA, X Tom Xu, MD PhD, Lynn Carrasco, Daylon Farias. Sensitivity patterns for urinary pathogens--a comparison of ED discharged vs hospital antibiogram in a predominately diabetic population.  (Accepted for abstract presentation at TCEP Meeting, 4/2018, Houston, Texas).

Adamson, Aaron, Peter B. Richman, MD MBA, BenLeeson, MD, K Tom Xu, MD, Lynn Carrasco. Incision and drainage with iodoform packing versus incision and drainage with loop drain placement. (Accepted for abstract presentation at TCEP Meeting, 4/2018, Houston, Texas).

Strawn, Matthew, Peter B Richman, MD MBA, Guy Youngblood MD, K Tom Xu MD, Lynn Carrasco. A prospective study to assess the association of body mass index and contamination of urinalysis samples. (Accepted for abstract presentation at SAEM Meeting, 4/2018, Indianapolis, IN).

Yard, Joseph, Peter B Richman, MD MBA, Ben Leeson, MD, Kim Leeson, MD, Guy Youngblood, MD Jose Guardiola, PhD, Michael Miller, MD. The Influence of Cervical Collar Immobilization upon Optic Nerve Sheath Diameter. (Accepted for abstract presentation at SAEM Meeting, 4/2018, Indianapolis, IN).

Kingsley, Benjamin, Peter B Richman, MD MBA. Transcutaneous Ultrasound Guided Diagnosis of Peritonsillar Abscess A Pilot Study (Accepted for abstract presentation at SAEM Meeting, 4/2018, Indianapolis, IN).

Joseph, Ryan, Peter B Richman, MD MBA, Thomas McLaughlin DO, Lynn Carrasco, Jose Guardiola. A prospective study to compare serial changes in pain scores for patients with and without a history of frequent ED utilization. (Accepted for abstract presentation at SAEM Meeting, 4/2018, Indianapolis, IN).

Italiya, Shani, Peter B Richman, MD MBA, Kimberly Leeson, MD, Ben Leeson, MD, Steven Butler, PhD.  A pilot study to evaluate the feasibility of utilizing ultrasound to visualize intraosseous flow following intraosseous needle placement in adults.  (Accepted for abstract presentation at SAEM Meeting, 4/2018, Indianapolis, IN).

Hutzler, Sean, Peter B Richman, MD MBA, Michael Simmons MD, Lynn Carrasco, Jose Guardiola, PhD.  Patients who report a negative history of coronary disease:A review of their cardiac records from a multicenter database. (Accepted for abstract presentation at SAEM Meeting, 4/2018, Indianapolis, IN).

Carlsen, Sean, Scott P. Krall, MD, PhD, Peter B. Richman, MD MBA, X Tom Xu, MD PhD, Lynn Carrasco, Daylon Farias. Sensitivity patterns for urinary pathogens--a comparison of ED discharged vs hospital antibiogram in a predominately diabetic population(Accepted for abstract presentation at SAEM Meeting, 4/2018, Indianapolis, IN).

Adamson, Aaron, Peter B. Richman, MD MBA, Ben Leeson, MD, K Tom Xu, MD, Lynn Carrasco. Incision and drainage with iodoform packing versus incision and drainage with loop drain placement. (Accepted for abstract presentation at SAEM Meeting, 4/2018, Indianapolis, IN).

Fleisher, Richard, Michael Brodeur, MD, K Tom Xu, MD, PhD, Peter B Richman, MD MBA. Do emergency department patients adjust their initial numerical rating scale pain level following an intervention to attenuate pre-existing anchoring bias? (Accepted for abstract presentation at SAEM Meeting, 4/2018, Indianapolis, IN).

Harrell, Nicholas, Peter B Richman MD MBA, K Tom Xu MD PhD, Scott Krall MD, Osbert Blow MD PhD.   Are Patients Transferred to a Trauma Center from Hospitals that Share Common Electronic Radiological Archives (PACS) Less Likely to Receive Repeat Imaging? (accepted for oral presentation at the SAEM meeting 5/2017)

Boehm, Karl , DO MS, Peter Richman, MD, MBA, Barnet Eskin, MD, PhD, Donald Allegra, John Allegra, MD. ED Visits for Herpes Zoster Have Not Changed Since Introduction of Vaccine in 2006. (accepted for abstract presentation at SAEM , 5/2017)

Mock, Christopher, Justin Hensley, MD; Tom Xu, MD, PHD; Peter Richman, MD A Comparison of Patient Satisfaction Scores for Non-Obese vs Obese Emergency Department Patients (accepted for oral presentation at SAEM, 5/2017)

Brunson, Scott, Ben Leeson MD, Jose H. Guardiola PhD, Peter Richman MD MBA. A Comparison of Hispanic vs. non-Hispanic Patient Estimates for the Cost of Common Emergency Department Tests (accepted for oral presentation at SAEM, 5/2017)

Schmid, Emily Peter Richman MD MBA, Kimberly Leeson MD, K Tom Xu MD.  CT Imaging History for Patients Presenting to the ED with Renal Colic--Evidence from a Multi-Hospital Database (accepted for oral presentation at SAEM, 5/2017)

Harrell, Nicholas MD, Peter B Richman MD MBA, K Tom Xu MD PhD, Scott Krall MD, Osbert Blow MD PhD.  Are Patients Transferred to a Trauma Center from Hospitals that Share Common Electronic Radiological Archives (PACS) Less Likely to Receive Repeat Imaging? (accepted for oral presentation at the TCEP Meeting 4/2017)

 Boehm, Karl DO MS, Peter Richman, MD, MBA, Barnet Eskin, MD, PhD, Donald Allegra, John Allegra, MD. ED Visits for Herpes Zoster Have Not Changed Since Introduction of Vaccine in 2006. (accepted for abstract presentation at TCEP Meeting , 4/2017)

DePoy, Grant  Patient Understanding of Peak ED hours and Busiest Days of the Week. (accepted for abstract presentation at TCEP Meeting, 4/2017)

 Mock, Christopher, Justin Hensley, MD; Tom Xu, MD, PHD; Peter Richman, MD . A Comparison of Patient Satisfaction Scores for Non-Obese vs Obese Emergency Department Patients (accepted for oral presentation at TCEP Meeting 4/2017)

 Brunson, Scott,  Ben Leeson MD, Jose H. Guardiola PhD, Peter Richman MD MBA. A Comparison of Hispanic vs. non-Hispanic Patient Estimates for the Cost of Common Emergency Department Tests (accepted for oral presentation at TCEP Meeting 4/2017)

Schmid, Emily, Peter Richman MD MBA, Kimberly Leeson MD, K Tom Xu MD.  CT Imaging History for Patients Presenting to the ED with Renal Colic--Evidence from a Multi-Hospital Database (accepted for oral presentation at TCEP Meeting 4/2017)

Matthews, Mary, Peter Richman MD MB1, Scott Krall MD, Kim Leeson, MD, RDMS, FACEP1, K Tom Xu, Albert L. Gest, DO, Osbert Blow, MD, PhD, FACS Prior imaging history for patients who receive a PAN Scan for acute traumatic injury-a prospective study of patients ultimately discharge from the ED without serious injury  (accepted for oral presentation at the TCEP Meeting 4/2017)

Jessica Wentling, Osbert Blow, Scott P. Krall, Afton McNierney, Kelly Dewey, Peter B. Richman. Predictive Value of Point of Care Lactate Measurement in Patients Meeting Level II and II Trauma Team Activation Criteria that Present to the Emergency Department:--A Prospective Study. Accepted for presentation at American College of Emergency Physicians Scientific Assembly Las Vegas fall 2016.

Melkus, K., Richman., P., Leeson, B., Butler, S., Carrasco, L., Smith, C., Guardiola, J.  Simulation Training for the Management of Shoulder Dystocia.   Presented Poster at SAEM Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA, 5/2016.

Brodeur, M., Carrasco, L., Smith, C., Xu, T., Richman, P..  Exclusion of Non-English Speakers from Emergency Medicine Research.  Presented Poster at SAEM Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA, 5/2016.

Pedersen, C., Miller, M., Xu, T., Richman, P..  Use of a Dental Vibration Tool to Reduce Pain from Digital Blocks- A Randomized Controlled Trial. Presented Poster at SAEM Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA, 5/2016.

Price, B., Xu, T., Gest, A., Carrasco, L., Smith, C., Richman, P. Comprehension of Video Versus Standard Written Instructions for Patients Discharged With a Diagnosis of Abdominal Pain from an Inner City Emergency Department.  Presented Poster at SAEM Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA, 5/2016.

Nguyen, S., Richman, P., Eskin, B., Allegra, J. Intubation rates for adults ages 22-64 years are unchanged from 1999-2014- a multicenter study.  Presented Poster at SAEM Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA, 5/2016.

Remme, L., Leeson, K., Guardiola, J., Smith, C., Carrasco, L., Richman, P. A comparison of Satisfaction Scores for Patients Admitted vs. Discharged from the Emergency Department. . Presented Poster at SAEM Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA, 5/2016. 

Shriver, Joni., McLaughlin, T., Carraso, L., Smith, C., Guardiola, J., Richman, P.  Understanding of the Affordable Care Act by Hispanic vs. non-Hispanic Emergency Department Patients.   Presented Poster at SAEM Annual Meeting in New Orleans, LA, 5/2016.

Kane, E., Blow, O., Xu, T., Krall, S., Johnson, D., Richman, P. Characteristics of Undocumented Immigrant Patients Brought to a Trauma Center by Border Patrol Agents in Southern Texas.  Presented Poster at TCEP Annual Meeting in Galveston, TX, 4/2016.

Melkus, K., Richman., P., Leeson, B., Butler, S., Carrasco, L., Smith, C., Guardiola, J.  Simulation Training for the Management of Shoulder Dystocia.   Presented Poster at TCEP Annual Meeting in Galveston, TX, 4/2016.

Brodeur, M., Carrasco, L., Smith, C., Xu, T., Richman, P.  Exclusion of Non-English Speakers from Emergency Medicine Research.  Presented Poster at TCEP Annual Meeting in Galveston, TX., 4/2016.

Pedersen, C., Miller, M., Xu, T., Richman, P..  Use of a Dental Vibration Tool to Reduce Pain from Digital Blocks- A Randomized Controlled Trial. Presented Poster at TCEP Annual Meeting in Galveston, TX, 4/2016.

Price, B., Xu, T., Gest, A., Carrasco, L., Smith, C., Richman, P. Comprehension of Video Versus Standard Written Instructions for Patients Discharged With a Diagnosis of Abdominal Pain from an Inner City Emergency Department.  Presented Poster at TCEP Annual Meeting in Galveston, TX, 4/2016.

Nguyen, S., Richman, P., Eskin, B., Allegra, J. Intubation rates for adults ages 22-64 years are unchanged from 1999-2014- a multicenter study.  Presented Poster at TCEP Annual Meeting in Galveston, TX, 4/2016.

Remme, L., Leeson, K., Guardiola, J., Smith, C., Carrasco, L., Richman, P. A comparison of Satisfaction Scores for Patients Admitted vs. Discharged from the Emergency Department. . Presented Poster at TCEP Annual Meeting in Galveston, TX, 4/2016.

Shriver, Joni., McLaughlin, T., Carraso, L., Smith, C., Guardiola, J., Richman, P.  Understanding of the Affordable Care Act by Hispanic vs. non-Hispanic Emergency Department Patients.   Presented Poster at TCEP Annual Meeting in Galveston, TX, 4/2016.

Newby, T., Silvers, WM., McLaughlin, T., Parker, JK., Xu, KT., Richman P Impact of Aerobic Exercise Intensity on Immediate and 1-week Memory following Administration of a Brief Medical Procedure Training Video. Presented at the annual meeting for the Society of Academic Emergency Medicine, 5/2015.

Padalecki, J., Xu, KT., Hensley, J., Richman, PB., How Much Risk Are Emergency Department Patients WiIling to Accept to Avoid Diagnostic Testing. Presented at the annual meeting for the Society of Academic Emergency Medicine, 5/2015.

Baum, Z., Simmons, M., Guardiola, J., Smith, C., Carrasco, L., Ha, J., Richman, P. Potential Impact of Co-payment at Point of Care to Influence Emergency Department Utilization. . Presented at the annual meeting for the Society of Academic Emergency Medicine, 5/2015

Loescher, S., Richman, PB., Krall, S., Simmons, M., Xu, T., Guardiola, J., Smith, C., Carrasco, L., Quintanilla, C. Does a Complaint Specific Expectations Pamphlet Provided at Triage Improve Satisfaction Scores for Emergency Department Patients with Abdominal Pain?--A Prospective Trial.  Presented at the annual meeting for the Society of Academic Emergency Medicine, 5/2015.

Ruzek, M., Dewey, K.  Temporal Trends in Emergency Department Revisit Rates for Migraines.  Presented at the annual meeting for the Society of Academic Emergency Medicine, 5/2015.

Tomanec, A., Russell, J., Leeson, B., Leeson, K., Campbell, M., Smith, C., Richman, P.  Bedside Ultrasound Has Become Standard of Care in the Evaluation of Pediatric Trauma Patients in the United States.  Presented at the annual meeting for the Society of Academic Emergency Medicine, 5/2015.

Krall, S., Richman, PB., Padalecki, J., Loescher, S. Impact of Nurse Staffing on Key Emergency Department Operational Metrics.  Presented at the annual meeting for the Society of Academic Emergency Medicine, 5/2015.

Dewey, K., Richman, P., Eskin, B., Allegra, J. Placement of Central Venous Lines for the Management of Sepsis Has Markedly Increased.  Presented at the annual meeting for the Society of Academic Emergency Medicine, 5/2015.

Sieling, J., Guardiola, J., Smith, C., Carrasco, L., Richman, P. Lack of Awareness of Texas Medical Tort Reform--A Survey of Patients in an Inner-city Emergency Department.  Presented at the annual meeting for the Society of Academic Emergency Medicine, 5/2015.

McNierney, Krall, Guardiola, Richman.   Increased Door to Hospital Admission Bed Time is Associated with Prolonged Throughput Times for Patients Discharged Home from the Emergency Department.  Presented at the annual meeting for the Society of Academic Emergency Medicine, Dallas 5/14.

McNeirney, Smith, Guardiola, Richman.  Hispanic vs. Non-Hispanic Patient Knowledge of Radiation Exposure Risk from Medical Imaging: A Survey of Emergency Department Patients. Presented at the annual meeting for the Society of Academic Emergency Medicine, Dallas 5/14.

Close B, Richman P, Eskin, Allegra.  Placement of Central Venous Lines for Sepsis in the Elderly Has Increased. Presented at the annual meeting for the Society of Academic Emergency Medicine, Dallas 5/14.

Seger, Close, Richman, Eskin, Allegra.  Intubations in elderly patients have decreased from 2000 through 2011--Results of a Multi-center Cohort Study. Presented at the annual meeting for the Society of Academic Emergency Medicine, Dallas 5/14.

Russell, Smithline, Courtney, Kabrhel, Brown, Moor, Richman, Kline. A clinical prediction rule to identify patients with persistent dyspnea who have underlying right ventricular dysfunction after negative CT for PE work up. Presented at the annual meeting for the Society of Academic Emergency Medicine, Dallas 5/14.

Kenter, Blow, Gest, Smith, Krall, Richman.  Prior CT Imaging History for Patients Who Undergo Pan CT for Acute Traumatic Injury. Presented at the annual meeting for the Society of Academic Emergency Medicine, Dallas 5/14.

Hill, R., Gest,A., Smith, C., Guardiola, J., Gonzalez, J., Ha, J., Apolinario, M., Richman, PB.. In Case of a Primary Care Crisis Please Go to the Emergency Room--An Investigation of Patient Referral to the Emergency Department by Non-Healthcare Providers. Presented at the annual meeting for the American College of Emergency Physicians Scientific Assembly,  Chicago, 10/2014.

Garett Miller, MD, Tom Xu, MD, PhD, Kimberly Leeson, MD, Ben Leeson, MD. Success of Intubation by Novice Intubators using Direct Laryngoscopy, Video Laryngoscopy (GlideScope), and Supraglottic Airway Laryngopharyngeal Tube (S.A.L.T) Presented oral presentation at SAEM Annual Meeting in Atlanta, 5/2013.

Cardon, Candice, MD. Scott P Krall MD MBA, Michael Simmons MD, John Herrick DO. Presented Poster at SAEM Annual Meeting in Atlanta, GA.  Emotions and Patient Satisfaction: Does a Patient Education and Expectation Pamphlet  (PEEP) Improve Patient Satisfaction? Presented oral presentation at SAEM Annual Meeting in Atlanta, 5/2013.

Abello, A, Gest A, Guardiola J, Contreras K, Angel S, Gonzales M Computerized Order  Sets Improve Patient Care Outcomes in an Underserved Hispanic Population.  Presented poster at TCEP Annual Meeting in Dallas, 4/2012.

Rice, Christion, MD, Leeson, Ben MD, Leeson, Kimberly MD. Difficult Intravenous Catheter Access in ED Patients: Can Ultrasound Help Reduce Central Line Days? Presented Poster at ACEP Scientific Assembly in Denver, 4/2012. 

Cross, Matthew, MD, Krall, Scott P MD MBA, Blow, Osbert MD PhD. Computed Tomography of the Chest as Part of a Whole Body Scan Results in 5.4% Additional Chest Injuries Diagnosed. Presented Poster at TCEP Annual Meeting in San Antonio, 4/2012.

Francis T, Leeson K, Barton B, Leeson B. Comparison of Ideal Needle Insertion Location for Internal Jugular Central Venous Access: Anatomic Landmarks versus Ultrasonaography Guidance Method.  ACEP Scientific Assembly, Denver, 10/2012.

Morales M, Shanker J, Leeson B.  A Head CT Checklist:  Does It Improve the Accuracy of the Emergency Medicine Resident Physicians Interpretation? ACEP Scientific Assembly, Denver, 10/2012.

Xu KT, Roberts D, Sulapas I, Martinex O, Berk J, Baldwin J.  Overutilization of Antibiotics and Imaging in the Management of Uncomplicated Upper Respiratory Infections in Emergency Departments.  ACEP Scientific Assembly, Denver, 10/2012.

Rice “CG, Leeson B, Adams K, Leeson K.  Difficult Intravenous Catheter Access in Emergency Department Patients:  Can Ultrasoundsonography Help Reduce Central Line Days?  ACEP Scientific Assembly, Denver, 10/2012.

Morales M, Baskerville J. Triage EKG in the Emergency Department: A Revised TIMI Score and EKG has Limited Reproducibility in Triage Categorization: SAEM Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.  June 2011 (Poster) [Clinical Research – Peer Reviewed]

Moore K, Baskerville J.  Presented Poster at in. “The Morbidly Obese Receive Delayed ED Care: Body Mass Index> 40 have Longer Disposition Times SAEM Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. June 2011 (Poster)

Cornelius A, Krall S.  Emergency Department Physician Controlled Evaluation Times Have Minimal Effect on Emergency Department Treatment Interval: ACEP Scientific Assembly, Las Vegas, NV. September 2010 (Poster)  [ ED Administration]

Schwartz D, Leeson K. Correlation of ED Urinalysis and Urine Culture Results in the Elderly.  SAEM Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. June 2010 (Poster)  [Clinical Research]

Jones T, Leeson B, Krall S. Influence of BMI on the Subcostal View in Cardiac Ultrasonography: Implications for ACLS and ATLS Resuscitation: TCEP Annual Meeting, Dallas, TX. May 2010 (Poster)   [Clinical Research]

Krall S, Cornelius A.  It’s Not the Doctors Fault: Emergency Department Physician Intervals Have Minimal Effect on Emergency Department Treatment Intervals: ACEP Leadership and Advocacy Meeting in Washington, D.C. (Poster) [ED Administration]

Krall S, Cornelius A. Does Board Certification Make a Difference in Emergency Department Efficiency?  ACEP Leadership and Advocacy Meeting in Washington, D.C. May 2010 (Poster) [ED Administration]

Berios I, Surani S, Simmons M. Assessing Reaction Time Among Emergency Medicine Residents Working Different Shift Hours: ACEP Scientific Assembly, Boston, MA October 2009 (Poster)

Gorchynski J, Rose J.  Sexually Transmitted Diseased Do Not Discriminate; First Trimester Vaginal Bleeding is Not Always a Threatened Abortion.  5th International Mediterranean Emergency Medicine Conference in Valencia, Spain. (Poster) [#22 – Clinical Research]

Lueth N, McLaughlin T, Blow O, Bown N.  The Impact of Emergency Medicine Resident on Trauma Care: SAEM Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.  May 2009 [Poster]

Gorchynski J, Rose J.  Sexually Transmitted Diseased Do Not Discriminate; First Trimester Vaginal Bleeding is Not Always a Threatened Abortion.  SAEM Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.  May 2009 (Poster)  

McLaughlin T, Soch K, Ireton S. Geriatrics Update for Emergency Medicine: American Geriatric Society Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. (Poster) [#23 – Resident Education]

Krall S, Hart A. Non-ED Admissions Influence the Time Patients Wait for Transfer to Their Inpatient Room: ACEP Leadership and Advocacy Conference, Washington, D.C. (Poster) [#24 - ED Administration]

Krall S, Hart A. Non-Ed Admissions Influence the Time Patients Wait for Transfer to Their Inpatient Room: ACEP Leadership and Advocacy Conference, Washington, D.C. (Poster) [#25 - ED Administration]

Thoelecke H, Ortiz S, Gorchynski  J. Improving Emergency Department Screening for Intimate Partner Violence: Effectiveness of a Brief Physician Training Program: ACEP Scientific Assembly in Chicago, IL. (Poster) [#26 – Clinical Research]

McGarry J, Krall S, McLaughlin T. An Evaluation of the Impact of Resident Physicians to Throughput in an Emergency Department:  SAEM Annual Meeting in Washington, D.C. (Poster)

Krall S, Hart A.  Productivity: Do 8-9 Hour Shifts Make a Difference? ACEP Scientific Assembly, Seattle, WA. (Poster) [#27 - ED Administration]


Afton McNierney-Moore, Cynthia Smith,Jose Guardiola, K. Tom Xu, Peter B. Richman. Patient understanding of radiation risk from medical computed tomography - A comparison of Hispanic vs. Non-Hispanic Emergency Department populations, Peer J, 5 2015, 10.7717/peerj.937.

Russell FM, Moore CL, Courtney DM, Kabrhel CSmithline HANordenholz KERichman PBO'Neil BJPlewa MCBeam DMMastouri RKline JA.  Independent evaluation of a simple clinical prediction rule to identify right ventricular dysfunction in patients with shortness of breath, AM J Emerg Med 2015 Apr; 33(4):542-547.   doi: 10.1016/j.ajem.2015.01.026. Epub 2015 Jan 22.  PMID:25769797

Francis T, Leeson K, Barton B, Leeson B. Comparison of Ideal Nedle Insertion Location for Internal Jugular Central Venous Access: Anatomic Landmarks versus Ultrasounography Guidance Method. Annals of Emergency Medicine, Volume 60, No 4, Page S111, October 2012.

Cardon, CT; Krall SP; Simmons M; Herrick, J; Adams, K; and Patel, B:  Emotions ans Patient Satisfaction:  Does a Patient Education and Expectation Pamphlet (PEEP) Improve Patient Satisfactioin? Aca Emer Med; May 2013 (5) S171.

Morales M, Shanker J, Leeson B.  A Head CT Checklist:  Does It Improve the Accuracy of the Emergency Medicine Resident Physicians Interpretation? Morales M, Shanker J, Leeson B.  Annals of Emergency Medicine, Volume 60, No 4 Page S86, May 2012

Xu KT, Roberts D, Sulapas I, Martinex O, Berk J, Baldwin J.  Overutilization of Antibiotics and Imaging in the Management of Uncomplicated Upper Respiratory Infections in Emergency Departments.  Annals of Emergency Medicine, Volume 60, No 4 Page S85, May 2012

Rice “CG, Leeson B, Adams K, Leeson K.  Difficult Intravenous Catheter Access in Emergency Department Patients:  Can Ultrasoundsonography Help Reduce Central Line Days?  Annals of Emergency Medicine, Volume 60, No 4 Page S81, May 2012

Krall, SP, Addison JB;  Extended Waiting Room Times Effect Ability to Obtain Good Patient Satisfaction, Aca Em Med Vol 19 (4, Supplement 1) April 2012, p. S168-169

Krall, SP, Cornelius, A, Addison, JB;  12 Hour Physician at Triage Results in a Decrease in the Left Not Seen Patients by 2.4 Patients Daily, However It Also Increased Throughput Times. An Em Med  An Em Med Vol 58(4S) September 2011 p9A

Baskerville J, Morales M.  Triage EKG in the Emergency Department: A Revised TIMI Score and EKG has Limited Reproducibility in Triage Categorization. Academic Emergency Medicine.  June 2011 [Abstract]

Baskerville J., Moore K. The Morbidly Obese Receive Delayed ED Care: Body Mass Index> 40 have Longer Disposition Times. Academic Emergency Medicine, Volume 18, No. 5, page S136, May 2011 [Abstract]

Krall S, Cornelius A. Emergency Department Physician Controlled Evaluation Times Have Minimal Effect on Emergency Department Treatment Interval. Annals of Emergency Medicine Submission, Volume 56, No. 3, Page S111. September 2010 [Abstract]

Schwartz  D, Leeson, K. Correlation of Emergency Department Urinalysis and Urine Culture Results in the Elderly. Academic Emergency Medicine, Volume 17, Issue 5, Page 328. May 2010 [Abstract]

Berios I, Surani S., Simmons M. Assessing Reaction Time Among Emergency Medicine Residents Working Different Shift Hours. Annals of Emergency Medicine, Volume 54, Issue 4, Page S35. September 2009 [Abstract]

Rose J, Gorchynski J. Sexually Transmitted Diseases Do Not Discriminate: First Trimester Vaginal bleeding is Not Always A Threatened Abortion. Academic Emergency Medicine, Volume 16, Issue 4, Page S129. April 2009 [Abstract]

Thoeleke H, Ortiz S. Gorchyski J. Improving Emergency Department Screening for Intimate Partner Violence: Effectiveness of a Brief Physician Training Program. Annals of Emergency Medicine, Volume 52, Issue 4, Page S171. October 2008  [Abstract]

McGarry J, Krall S. Evaluation of the Impact of Resident Physicians on Throughpit in an Emergency Department. Academic Emergency Medicine, Volume 15, Issue 5, Page S53. May 2008 [Abstract]

Krall S, Hart A. Productivity: Do 8-9 Hour Shifts make a Difference. Annals of Emergency Medicine, Volume 50, Issue 3, Page S69-70. September 2007  [Abstract]      



Allen J, Baskerville J. Can Procalcitonin Diagnose Serious Bacterial Illness or Sepsis in the Emergency Department Setting.  June 2012

 Foland M, Olson J.  Prospective Analysis of Satisfacton Pertaining to Treatment of Low Back Pain in Patients fiwth Acute vs Chronic Onset in Christus Spohn Memorial Emergency Department. June 2012

Simpson A, Leeson K, Leeson, B. Surviving Electrocution:  A Case Report of Good Neurologic Outcome Following Therapeutic Hypothermia. June 2012

 Fairless J, Roberts D.  The Emergency Medicine Procedure Resident: A new Role in the Academic Emergency Department?  May 2011

O’Hern D, Baskerville J, Gest A. Acites:  A Comparative Dollar Cost Analysis.  May 2011

Reyes A, Leeson B. Acute Traumatic Intracerbral Hemorrhage:  What Value are Published Guidelines? May 2011

Schmickrath S, Krall S.  Resident Perception on Impact of Curriculum Changes on Residency Morale.  May 2011

Tinsley A, Baskerville J.  Comparison of Abdominal Examination Findings between Faculty and Residents in an Academic Emergency Department. May 2011

Defrawi T, McLaughlin T, Baskerville J.  The Impact of Emergency Medicine Residents on Patient Satisfaction in the Emergency Department.  May 2010

Wright E, Cortes E.  Misdiagnosis Rate of Appendicitis with Conservative Utilization of Abdominal CT.  May 2010

Willis D, McLaughlin T.  Do Physicians Know the Law on Medical Blood Alcohol Testing?  May 2009

Pa S, Desai R.  Impact of New EM Residency on Trauma ICU Mortality at 30 Days. May 2008 

Yamagami, T. When to Call?  ENT Emergencies & Clinical Pearls.  May 2008

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