Corey Ziemba

Ziemba Corey 5x7 176

Medical School: University of Louisville School of Medicine

Undergraduate School: University of Florida

Hey everyone, I’m Corey! I was born in Houston so I’m technically a Texan, but I grew up in Tampa, Florida. I did my undergrad at the University of Florida (Go Gators!) and headed up to Louisville, KY for medical school. I know Kentucky isn’t exactly the north, but it was definitely colder than Florida so I was excited for the chance to come back to warmer weather. When not at the hospital, I love to fish, boat, and just hang out at the beach! I’m also a huge hockey fan which I know makes no sense considering I’m from Florida. Although I’m on the other side of the Gulf from where I grew up, this place really feels like home to me!

There is a lot to love about this residency, but I think what really sold me was the strength of residents here. It’s seriously every day that I’m just amazed at how easily these guys manage super sick patients.  I’m also pretty sure all of them could do most procedures with their eyes closed, but I guess that’s not really a surprise when we get so many opportunities to do procedures as an unopposed residency! There are no surgery residents taking our chest tubes, no medicine residents taking our lines, and no anesthesia residents taking our airways. There’s rarely a day that goes by that I’m not doing some cool procedure and that’s probably the biggest reason most of us picked EM as a specialty in the first place! I truly believe that the training we get here is second to none and I know I’ll be an outstanding clinician by the end of the three years!

© Kimberly & Ben Leeson 2024