Megan Cook

Cook Megan 5x7 183

Medical School: Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine of Midwestern University

Undergraduate School: Arizona State University

Hello there! I’m so glad you found our program and encourage you to check it out!

I’m originally from Albuquerque, NM and spent most of my childhood there, except for 2 years of kindergarten and first grade in South Texas about an hour from Corpus Christi – I’d like to think that now I’ve come completely full circle in my education. I later lived in Phoenix, AZ for 10 years where I attended Arizona State University and then AZCOM. I worked as a scribe in the Emergency Department before medical school and absolutely fell in love with emergency medicine from the beginning.

I was so fortunate to rotate here in Corpus Christi as a medical student and could tell from day one that this would be an amazing place to train. On my rotation, the confidence and competence of the third years blew me away. I knew this was the place for me, and I am so grateful I got to come back to work with everyone in the program and experience the incredible pathology and training environment in Corpus Christi. Now as a resident, I am constantly reminded of the unrivaled opportunity to train at an unopposed program where we get to do pretty much all of our own procedures, and if it’s not you, it’s an emergency medicine resident colleague on their ICU or trauma rotation. The camaraderie you hear about at this program really is true, and it’s a privilege to work in an environment where that rapport exists between the residents and with our faculty.

In my free time, I like to spend my time outside, doing things like hiking, mountain biking, and snowboarding. For now, I’ve traded some of those activities in for time on the beach and the prospect of learning some new water sports!

If anything you are reading in our biographies resonates with you, I encourage you to learn more about us and you certainly won’t be disappointed!

© Kimberly & Ben Leeson 2024