Medical School: Tech University Health Sciences Center
Undergraduate: Oklahoma State Univesrsity
You may be wondering how such a normal looking person ended up with such a weird last name. My paternal ancestry can be traced back to French royalty and this is actually the Americanized, easier to pronounce spelling of an original last that was even longer. But no, I’m not actually French, and my family pronounces our last name like a Texan would, much to the dismay of our beloved attending Dr. Brodeur.
I’m originally from Richardson, TX, one of the many suburbs of North Dallas. I graduated high school knowing I wanted to be a doctor and set off for college at the fabulous Oklahoma State University with med school in mind. In college, I got started in EMS as a way to get some medical exposure and was hooked on Emergency Medicine before I knew what I was getting into. After I graduated OSU, someone mistakenly let me into Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center SOM in Lubbock.
When I was looking for EM away rotations, several students from the class above me mentioned they rotated in Corpus Christi and had a great rotation, so I applied here. When I got here, I loved what everyone else loves about our program-the residents get great experience, are very happy, have fun at work, have very supportive faculty, get tons of procedures and people like each other enough to want to hang out outside of work. The residents were very comfortable making decisions and skilled in all procedures and graduated feeling very prepared to go work on their own. I had a great month and Corpus Christi quickly became the standard to which I compared other programs.
Residency here thus far has been even better than I imagined! Even on the worst days, I still enjoy working with everyone here, have lots of learning opportunities and we still have fun with my coworkers. I love that it’s just a few minutes to the beach and I never have to worry about driving to work in the snow. Everyone here supports each other both professionally and personally, I couldn’t ask for a better group. Come rotate and interview with us!